Although I have flown Air France lots of times I have never before tried to download the Air France Press app. So ahead of the evening flight to Paris I decided to do just that for the very first time, to give it a proper try.
Given it is called a ‘press app’ there are obviously newspapers and magazines available to download, including a good selection of titles in English. However there are also several movies (in HD) as well as some TV-series and documentaries. These can be downloaded 30 hours before departure by using the booking reference or the Flying Blue frequent flyer number. Once a valid booking has been found and there are less than 30 hours to go until the flight departs you can start downloading whatever you want.
However you will not be able to watch anything just yet. As it is getting closer to the scheduled departure time, with 30 minutes to go, the downloaded video content eventually becomes available to watch. And once again after the flight (based on the scheduled landing time in the booking) the content will be unavailable to watch.

All-in-all it works quite well and you neither need Wi-Fi during the flight, nor access to an inflight entertainment server in the aircraft in order to watch a movie or a documentary. However you need to remember to download whatever you want to watch while on the ground, before the flight.
I tried downloading Ice Age 4 as well as two documentaries and it worked excellently.
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