Swedish Lördagsgodis, Saturday candies, in the business lounge in Linköping

Linköping City Airport Business Lounge
Linköping City Airport Business Lounge

I really enjoy when airports makes an effort into offering something unusual in their lounges, or something with a local connection such as food and drinks. It really makes the lounge visit so much more interesting and especially if you are a very frequent traveller and used to, or even tired of, airport lounges.

Inside the small business lounge at Linköping City airport in Swedish there is “Lördagsgodis” on offer, Swedish Saturday candies. These are candies available in most supermarkets and corner shops in the country and are hugely popular with small children (and some adults as well) who usually get to buy them on Saturdays. And they offer this in the lounge.

They even have the traditional small paper bags you get in the shops and there is a small assortment of candies for self service with chocolates, jelly, sweet, sour and licorice, so you can mix and match and get your own Saturday candies bag. How creative!

Linköping City Airport Business Lounge
The small but very nice selection of candies
Linköping City Airport Business Lounge
The story behind the Lördagsgodis, Saturday candies
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My interest in premium travels and frequent travels started in the 90’s, so to date I have over 20 years of premium travel experience. MorePremium.com will mostly be about my own experiences, based on my own knowledge and my travel history, but you will also find news items, analyses, tips and tricks and reports from events.

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