Excellent breakfast in the Finnair Premium Lounge in Helsinki

Breakfast in the Finnair Premium Lounge in Helsinki
Breakfast in the Finnair Premium Lounge in Helsinki

For the first time this morning I had the chance to make a proper visit to the Finnair Premium Lounge in the morning to try their breakfast buffet. Most previous visits have been in the afternoon or in the evening. And I have to say their breakfast buffet is excellent. Easily comparable to a better hotel breakfast.

On offer this morning they had for example meatballs, omelettes, porridge and strawberry crepes, a good selection of bread rolls, ham, cheese, marmalade, yoghurt and croissants. And best of all, well at least if you travel for leisure and have no job meetings to attend to later during the day, you can start the day with a glass of bubbly. The Nicolas Feuillatte champagne is available for self service already from 6 am when the lounge opens.

Breakfast in the Finnair Premium Lounge in Helsinki
The breakfast buffet in the Finnair Premium Lounge in Helsinki
About MorePremium.com 1018 Articles
My interest in premium travels and frequent travels started in the 90’s, so to date I have over 20 years of premium travel experience. MorePremium.com will mostly be about my own experiences, based on my own knowledge and my travel history, but you will also find news items, analyses, tips and tricks and reports from events.

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