7 fun things to do in the Turkish Airlines Lounge at Istanbul Atatürk airport

Turkish Airlines CIP Lounge, Istanbul Ataturk
Turkish Airlines CIP Lounge, Istanbul Ataturk

The Turkish Airlines CIP Lounge in the international terminal at Istanbul Atatürk airport is really a gem in Europe. It is a fantastic lounge with a fun and innovative design and it offers tons of facilities. A fantastic lounge indeed, as long as you can stay away from it at peak times, like in the late evenings when it can be awfully crowded.

In February 2014 they also opened the lower floor, adding another 2400 sqm with lots of extra seating but also many new features that did not exist before.

Will you be visiting the Turkish Airlines Business Lounge soon? If you have a long layover and want some ideas on how to make the time pass, here are some ideas.

7 ways to spend your time in the Turkish Airlines Lounge

Practice your golf swing

Yes, the lounge has its own full-sized golf simulator. And there are of course golf clubs you can borrow.

Turkish Airlines CIP Lounge, Istanbul Ataturk
The golf simulator

Try the car model race track

You will pass both the famous Bosphorus bridge and the Atatürk airport itself, which even has a control tower, a proper runway and a Turkish Airlines miniature aircraft. Great fun.

Turkish Airlines CIP Lounge, Istanbul Ataturk
The car model race track

Try some video games

This will be a lot of fun for the younger guests. There are several video games to choose between.

Turkish Airlines CIP Lounge, Istanbul Ataturk
Video games

Watch a movie in the cinema room

There is even a popcorn machine outside for the proper experience.

Turkish Airlines CIP Lounge, Istanbul Ataturk
The cinema room

Play a game of pool or borrow a book from the library

There is a full-sized pool table in the lounge next to the main entrance on the upper floor. And if your travel companion does not feel like playing he or she can borrow a book from the library.

Turkish Airlines CIP Lounge, Istanbul Ataturk
The pool table and the library

Watch some TV

There are several TV-areas, both on the upper floor and on the lower floor. There are typically nine screens in each area so there will always be something interesting to watch.

Turkish Airlines CIP Lounge, Istanbul Ataturk
One of the many TV-areas

Try some delicious cakes

If you have a sweet tooth then the Turkish Airlines Lounge in Istanbul is a fantastic place. There is a wonderful selection of cakes for self service. Enjoy it with a cup of freshly-brewed strong Turkish coffee.

Turkish Airlines CIP Lounge, Istanbul Ataturk
Cakes, cakes and more cakes
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