Flensburger Pilsener beer in the “Airport Lounge” in Hamburg

Flensburger pilsener beer in the Airport Lounge in Hamburg
Flensburger pilsener beer in the Airport Lounge in Hamburg

A nice thing about the third-party airport lounge in Hamburg called simply ”Airport Lounge” is that they have a fridge full with cold Flensburger Pilsener beer, produced in Flensburg in northern Germany, around 160 km from Hamburg and not far from the Danish border. And it is not bad at all.

And the old-style bottles with the traditional flip-top (swing-top) closure are pretty cool as well. You can even buy a small ”beer bag” with three bottles of your choice at the reception to bring home at a cost of 10 euro.

Flensburger pilsener beer in the Airport Lounge in Hamburg
Flensburger pilsener for sale

The “Airport Lounge” is the only third-party lounge and pay-in lounge at the airport located airside on the top floor of the transit hall. It is used by a large number of airlines including most airlines from the Skyteam and OneWorld alliances. It is also possible to enter by paying at the reception or by using a number of different credit cards and lounge cards.

Flensburger pilsener beer in the Airport Lounge in Hamburg
The self-service buffet area in the lounge with the beer fridge to the left
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My interest in premium travels and frequent travels started in the 90’s, so to date I have over 20 years of premium travel experience. MorePremium.com will mostly be about my own experiences, based on my own knowledge and my travel history, but you will also find news items, analyses, tips and tricks and reports from events.

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