The new popular SAS chocolate ball from Hedh-Escalante

The SAS chocolate ball from Hedh Escalante
The SAS chocolate ball from Hedh Escalante

A few years ago SAS scrapped the business class cabin on shorthaul flights within Scandinavia and the rest of Europe. Instead a premium economy cabin called SAS Plus was introduced.

Although there is a cold meal service on longer intra-European flights, on most shorter flights there is a cafe selection where passengers can choose something to eat from the trolley. The same selection is generally available for purchase in economy class, SAS Go.

There are usually a few changes when a new menu is introduced, normally twice a year for the summer season and for the winter season, and one of the new highlights in the summer menu for 2018 is the new chocolate ball, which has become very popular among SAS frequent flyers.

The new handmade chocolate ball is produced by Hedh-Escalante, a chocolatier located in Malmö in southern Sweden. The company is run by Jan Hedh and Maria Escalante, hence the name of the company.

The SAS chocolate ball from Hedh Escalante
The SAS chocolate ball from Hedh Escalante

This week the new chocolate ball is available to try in the SAS Lounges in Stockholm, and you are free to take more than one if you want.

The SAS chocolate ball from Hedh Escalante
The Hedh Escalante chocolate balls in the SAS Lounge in Stockholm

The new chocolate balls can be ordered free of charge in SAS Plus (premium economy) or at a charge in SAS Go (economy class). The price in economy class is 30 SEK/30 NOK/25 DKK/3 euro.

About 1018 Articles
My interest in premium travels and frequent travels started in the 90’s, so to date I have over 20 years of premium travel experience. will mostly be about my own experiences, based on my own knowledge and my travel history, but you will also find news items, analyses, tips and tricks and reports from events.

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