Malmö Aviation and Sverigeflyg to create BRA – Braathens Regional Airlines

Malmö Aviation and Sverigeflyg to create BRA - Braathens Regional Airlines
Malmö Aviation and Sverigeflyg to create BRA - Braathens Regional Airlines

The two Swedish airlines Malmö Aviation and Sverigeflyg are to create a new Swedish airlines. Serving 12 Swedish cities using Stockholm Bromma airport as hub the airlines are to merge into a brand new airline – BRA.

Although the name may sound like an odd choice to English-speaking people the name is in fact an abbreviation of Braathens Regional Airlines, which goes back to its roots, the airline Braathens, formed in 1946. The word ‘bra’ also has a positive meaning in the Swedish language meaning simply ‘good’. The new name will most likely be used in marketing campaigns and slogans, talking about a “good airline” with “good products” that is “good for the region”.

The airlines were formed in the 90’s and the beginning of the 21th century to get more competition in the domestic market to the national carrier SAS (and later the low cost carrier Norwegian) using Stockholm Bromma airport as hub. Today they account for a third of all domestic passengers in Sweden.

The new airline will be formally launched in 2016 with synchronised timetables, a common booking and check-in system and with a better planing and use of the aircraft operations, depending on the demand on different routes during various times of the day and the year.

BRA Braathens Regional Airlines network

The BRA Braathens Regional Airlines network

Malmö Aviation currently operates flight from Stockholm to Malmö, Gothenburg, Umeå and Östersund using AVRO RJ-85 and RJ-100 aircrafts as well as a Saab 2000 aircraft. Malmö Aviation also has a partnership with Brussels Airlines from Stockholm Bromma, Gothenburg and Copenhagen to Brussels and with Finnair on the route between Stockholm Bromma and Helsinki.

Sverigeflyg is an aviation group including the airlines Gotlandsflyg, Kullaflyg, Sundsvallsflyg, Blekingeflyg, Kalmarflyg and Flysmåland, all operating from a specific region of Sweden to the hub in Stockholm using a mix of regional airlines.

Malmö Aviation operates a full service lounge at Stockholm Bromma airport as well as express lounges in Gothenburg, Malmö and Åre Östersund.

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My interest in premium travels and frequent travels started in the 90’s, so to date I have over 20 years of premium travel experience. will mostly be about my own experiences, based on my own knowledge and my travel history, but you will also find news items, analyses, tips and tricks and reports from events.

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